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Supporting your client groups

A quick guide for PC partners

When is it possible to request department-specific reports?

PC partners can request individual reports when they feel it would be beneficial for particular teams.

For example, certain teams benefit from a department-specific report if:

  • The work style or pattern of the client group is unique and unlike other departments in their portfolio
  • Teams within departments are on asynchronous schedules
  • A department is in the middle of developing a strategy and would like to use IDEAA data to inform that strategy

Are there limitations to requesting department-specific content?

In some circumstances, you may not be able to request a department-specific report and will be redirected to the amalgamated report for your entire portfolio.

Some limitations include:

  • when the response rate for a department is less than 15 OR the department is staffed by less than 15 people: due to our confidentiality agreement, we cannot reveal data for less than 15 respondents as this may identify employees based on their answers to the survey questions.
  • when the requested data falls outside of the HRIS classification: because the survey was powered by HRIS classifications, the filters on the data-set only correspond with titles, names and designations in the HRIS. For example, “physician secretaries” is a classification recognized by the HRIS, but “physician admin assistants” is not.
  • when it might be beneficial to roll up results with adjacent or similar portfolio groups: in cases where response rate is over 15, but still lower than expected, it may be suggested that the department’s results be “rolled up” into a lateral group with similar working conditions to make action planning easier

What is the process for submitting a request?

  1. Identify the name(s) of the client-group you’d like to request data for. Make sure the name matches the HRIS classification. 
  2. State whether or not the client group is unionized.
  3. State whether or not the positions are full-time, part-time, permanent or non-permanent.
  4. Describe why this request is necessary for this client-group
  5. Submit this information to using the subject-line “department-specific data request”

How long will it take to receive my report(s)?

Depending on the nature of the request, it can take 1-2 weeks to receive individual reports. Make sure to submit requests in advance of any departmental deadlines.

How should I present my results?

A template for presenting survey results can be downloaded as a PPT file here.

Scan for formatting errors and adjust accordingly. This template is not required and consultants are encouraged to make any changes they feel are necessary.

To view the original format presentation, download the PDF here.

For guidance on discussing the results with leaders and preparing speaking notes, consult the PC Guide here.